3 tips to get paid quicker!
Runners - Get paid quicker

May 16, 2023

“Lots of people want to ride with you in the limo, but what you want is someone who will take the bus with you when the limo breaks down.” — Oprah Winfrey.

You’ve set up your invoicing process and you are riding along in your limo but have you ever considered whether you could take any other routes to avoid your limo potentially breaking down, to help prevent cash flow becoming an issue. You’d be surprised how just a few little tweaks can keep you on the road of success.

For example

Tip 1

Always send your business terms to your customers before you start working for them.

Tip 2

Always state on your invoice that your business terms and conditions apply.

Tip 3

Always add the date payment is expected to your invoices and diarise when payment is due so that you can swiftly chase, if necessary.

At Johnson May Solicitors we’ll take the bus with you if your limo breaks down and we’ll help you get your invoice paid. 

But prevention is better than cure right? 

We’ve put together a quick and easy scorecard to help you get paid faster keeping you on the road of success. It’s packed with helpful tips and tricks just like the 3 in this post, that you can incorporate into your own business. 

You can try it for free by clicking the link below.

 #business #cashflow #debtrecovery #disputeresolution

Late payment of invoice

Late payment of invoice

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