
How can we help you?
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Private tenants


If you have paid your landlord a deposit, your deposit must be protected in a tenancy deposit scheme. For example The Deposit Protection Service, The Tenancy Deposit Scheme and MyDeposits. If you disagree with your landlord about how much deposit should be returned to you, your tenancy deposit scheme offers a free dispute resolution service to help you resolve matters.

However, if your landlord has failed to properly protect your deposit, you may have a claim against them.


Commercial tenants


If you are a commercial tenant and your landlord refuses to agree to renew your lease, you may be able to seek assistance from the court and we can help you with that.

If you have received a section 146 notice alleging that you are in breach of the lease, it is important that you take legal advice as soon as possible so that you understand your rights and so that you can respond accordingly.


To make a free enquiry call us now on 020 8150 7173, email [email protected] or click the button below for a free, no-obligation chat and let us explain your legal rights and options.