5 tips to calmly progress your tenant eviction ethically.

  1. Get your legal documents in order.

Gather all of the legal documents as soon as possible.  For example: –

  • all your written tenancy agreements.
  • the tenancy deposit protection certificate.
  • the prescribed information you gave your tenant when you protected their deposit.
  • Check all basic health and safety standards are met.

For example: –

– when was the last time you checked the gas at your property is safe? 

Remember, your legal requirement as a landlord is that you have the gas checked annually.

– when was the last time you checked the electrics at your property were safe?

Remember, your legal requirement as a landlord is to have the electrics checked every 5 years.

– is there disrepair at your property, or have you received any improvement notices?

You should take immediate steps to address any issues.

  • Empathy.

Even though this is a difficult process for you and your tenant, it is important to always maintain empathy. 

Try to understand what your tenant may be feeling. Do not, for example, threaten to disconnect basic amenities to the property or write to your tenants using unpleasant language.

  • Open and calm communication.

Remain open, calm and approachable in your communications with your tenant, even if they are not meeting their obligations.  If you come across as an awful landlord this will make you look bad if your communications are considered by the Court in future.

  • Get professional legal help.

Work with a lawyer to check you can lawfully give notice and to help you progress your tenant eviction lawfully.

If you would like an informal chat, contact us, and we can arrange a time to speak that works best for you.