Business owners, upset that your supplier did not deliver?

Try to resolve it and get clarity and swift settlement.

If your supplier has not delivered what they said they would, and you have suffered loss as a result.  Instead of just going to court, you can first try and agree a way forward with your supplier saving you valuable time and money.

At Johnson May Solicitors, we’ve written a free e-book providing you with helpful steps to resolve a dispute yourself. You can download a copy of our free e-book here.

We have decades of experience supporting our clients to reach settlement and we’d be happy to have a free no obligation chat to help you reach resolution too.  If this sounds good, we can arrange a date and time that is convenient for you. Call us on 0208 150 7173.

Late payment of invoice

Late payment of invoice

You are a business owner.  You and your team take time to understand your customer’s needs...