Can pay, Won’t pay

You and your team work hard in your business, you deliver your invoice and you are paid! That is the ideal, isn’t it? Unfortunately, trying to maintain a consistent flow of money into a business can be challenging for business owners and entrepreneurs as a result of...

Landlord and Tenant – Harassment!

As a landlord, you should watch out for a potential claim from your tenant against you!   Even if your tenant has failed to pay the rent, if you threaten to disconnect utilities to the property, attend the property without notice and/or change the locks,...

Do you phone your clients if they are late paying your invoice?

If you have an unpaid invoice, pick up the phone and call your customer. As they say, “It is good to talk!”  We are all busy, and sometimes the failure to pay may be an oversight, or the person simply has not yet made the time to pay.  Your call may be the...